Welcome The pre-tax benefit plan allows you to take advantage of tax savings on unreimbursed medical expenses, childcare and adoption assistance. The amount of money you elect to put into the plan will be divided up over twenty-six pay periods and taken from your check pre-tax in a similar fashion to your deferred compensation. You may then submit for reimbursement for eligible expenses. This is a great way to save. However, unused monies in excess of $500.00 are forfeited, so be sure to plan your expenses accordingly. To enroll click the link above, go to my employer and use the password suffolk. The enrollment form is also available on the Members Resoures/Flexbene section of this site.
The annual open enrollment period for participation in the 2024 Pre-Tax Flexible Benefits Program (Suffolk F-L-E-X) will run from September 15, 2023, through December 15, 2023.
24/7 Access to Online Doctors and Nurses Call: 1-800.709.8390 or click the above link.
Eligibility as an SDA Member verified upon the first call.
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